
Valentine’s Day, The Thanksgiving of Love

Valentine’s Day seems to be one of those holidays that brings out an array of emotions in people. For some it brings back painful memories of lost loves, loneliness, sadness and longing to be loved. For others it brings the joy of a new relationship, the happiness years of commitment bring, or even just perspective […]

Something’s Different, A Christmas Poem

Something’s different Something’s not right Sure it is Christmas Yet that doesn’t seem fitting For today feels like any time of the year Which is why I’m quite contrite


In light of my recent twenty-fifth birthday I wanted to start a tradition of writing a birthday post much like has been doing for the past few years.  This year was a big year for me, a lot happened, some good, some bad but I feel in the end I’m a better person for […]

What do you eat?

“We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are.”  Adelle Davis Inspired partly by GOOD’s 30-Day Go Vegetarian Challenge I wanted to share some of my experiences with being vegetarian for the past year and a half. I don’t […]


“Come on, be honest with yourself, at some point in our lives we all wanna be a superhero.” — Kick-Ass These past few days I’ve been watching a lot of superhero movies. No, not the classic Batman, Spiderman, or Superman movies. No, the lesser known superhero movies, the ones about the little guy; I mean […]