
The Soundtrack

I know what you’re thinking, no I didn’t put my media player on shuffle to answer a list of questions about my life. I have come to realize that I relate a lot of life to music. It seems to me for every moment in life there is a song written about it. Sure, sometimes […]

Thanks for Hanging Out

Recently after hanging out with a friend they turned to me and said “thanks for hanging out.” Which is a seemingly harmless statement, which, for some reason, provoked a firework display of thoughts in my brain. The main thing it reminded me of was of myself a year ago when I said that very same […]

All the world’s a stage.

Shakespeare had it right when he said ” All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players… ”  (Jaques, As You Like It Act 2, scene 7) We are all “characters” in this worlds play. The beauty of it is that we are the writers of our own parts. Each of […]

Lights Out

In honor of earth hour the lights went out at the Seattle Space Needle as well as many other businesses and buildings across Seattle. Here are my before and after pictures of the Needle.

Bring It On 2009

I thought I would just take a moment and wish everyone a happy new year. Sure, I’m five days late but hey that’s better than never right. We still have 360 days to enjoy 2009 it is my hope as I’m sure it’s yours to make 2009 better than 2008. Time just keeps on ticking. […]