COULD do and SHOULD do

Well, I’m now officially an adult adult. I believe there are a few stages of adulthood there are the 18 year old “adults” who gain most of their freedoms’ but still have a lot of figuring out to do. Then you have your 21 year old “adults.” Where the government hopes you got all the “figuring out”, figured out between the ages of 18-21. Then there is, of course, the 25 year old “adults” by this time you have apparently become not only an expert drive but also an expert cheapskate at life and therefore you save money on car insurance.

I’ve learned a lot between the ages of 18-21. One of the things that I’ve been learning and thinking about a lot is the difference between what one could do and what one should do. As I get older and wiser(well older at least) I’m finding out that sometimes in life just because you can do something and maybe it’s not even something that is “wrong”, “bad”, or even “unintelligent” that doesn’t always mean you should do it. However, let’s not get caught up what we can and can’t do. Let’s stop focusing on what we could do and started focusing on what we should (or shouldn’t) do and make this world a better place.

P.S. Thanks for all the myspace/facebook birthday comments and wishes.

1 Comment

  1. Becky Becky

    Happy Birthday Brandon! I’m glad you learned a lot in the last three years and I’m glad you’re my friend.

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