Live to Work or Work to Live?

As I was pondering on what I want to do with my life I got to thinking, there are two main groups that the working class can be categorized in: those who live to work  and those  work to live. I want to be the kind of person who accomplishes the former. The kind of person who is able to love what I do. I want to be the kind of person who when it is all said and done people won’t say I lived a normal life. I want them to say I did extraordinary things, that I helped people and that I was part of a bigger movement to change the world.

Art, Love, and Movement, these are just some of the ways I hope to accomplish this!

1 Comment

  1. Becky Becky

    me too! I want to be a person who loves what they do and also knows that what I do helps people in someway.

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