
A Lesson From Nike

In 1971 Nike Inc adopted the slogan “just do it.” I find this slogan to be a very interesting one. The slogan could mean a plethora of things depending on the meaning of the word “it” in the saying. Maybe, “it” is interpreted as a positive thing thus encouraging one do something positive. Perhaps, “it” […]

Lack of Motiviation

I am what some would call a dreamer. This in the simplest form means, I have great ideas and expectations of what/who I want to be.People often laugh or just stare in utter silence when I tell them my dreams. This just makes me want to succeed more to try harder, run faster, and fly […]

The Sequel

“You’ve been living life like it’s a sequel And your already bored with the plot As if the cast and the score Are more money than before But the script and the backdrop are stock” – Switchfoot ,C’mon C’mon [Lyrics] If you are like me you often times will hear a song and fall in […]

Support the Cause

This is going to be a different type of blog than I normally write. Instead of being about the craziness of the world, or the happenings of my life, this blog is going to about causes I support. I’ve been on this thing for the last year or so where I’ve been looking at a […]

COULD do and SHOULD do

Well, I’m now officially an adult adult. I believe there are a few stages of adulthood there are the 18 year old “adults” who gain most of their freedoms’ but still have a lot of figuring out to do. Then you have your 21 year old “adults.” Where the government hopes you got all the […]